Know Your Music: How to Make Music Business Work for you

Entertainment business 101 for the Zimbabwean By Elspeth ChimedzaCheck every blog, newspaper, radio, podcast, Whatsapp group, or just in conversation, one will find that there’s the consistent back and forth in debate about the progress of Zimbabwean music and entertainment overall. Everyone seems to be a connoisseur when it comes to what makes a successful entertainer in or from Zimbabwe or what a Zimbabwean entertainer should look, or sound like. There are examples of many successful home grown Zimbabweans as well as those in the diaspora and they share different stories of how they got to where they are as … Continue reading Know Your Music: How to Make Music Business Work for you

G Scene: What’s Up This Week

G Scene: What’s Up This Week? It is the last week of February and what is everybody doing…Bled has an album launch while the comedy club Bang Bang calls all the shots…breakfast and business meetings while we bid Mekka goodbye as RayDizz shuts it down….and for your Sunday afternoon get unplugged… This inaugural Stimulus Green Business Network Breakfast seeks to define what ‘Green Business’ is and how entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe can capitalize on sustainability to grow their businesses. Join us as we hear from Ndumiso Mpofu _ HIVOS’s Green Entrepreneurship Specialist on how Africa’s Entrepreneurs can benefit from taking a … Continue reading G Scene: What’s Up This Week