New Music: Verseless Antithesis Light Deluxe Album

Almost year later after releasing his debut album ‘Antithesis Light’, Verseless released ‘Antithesis Light Deluxe’ album on the 3rd of April. 
The 20 track album consists of tracks off his 2016 ‘Antithesis Light’. An additional seven tracks which feature Adrian, Bryan K, Tytan, fellow Veryus members Fluid and Chengeto; YoCa and Sithelo on the star studded album. 
The album has an eclectic soundscape but if you love quality production this is the album for you. 
Part two of the project ‘Antithesis Dark’ will be released later this year.’
Verseless will hold a joint launch party for the album on the 29th of April alongside fellow Veryus member, Mile. Mile’s album will be released on 12 April.
In the meantine ‘Antithesis Light’ can be streamed on Soundcloud:

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