Celebrities Come together with the ‘We Are Here Movement’

Watch Alicia Keys, Beyoncé, and Rihanna Stand Up For Black Lives In America

In the wake of the recent police killings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, as well as the sniper shootings in Dallas, Mic. delivers a powerful new visual detailing “23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black in America” with the help of high-profile celebrities like Alicia Keys and a number of celebrities have come together with the We Are Here Movement to shed light on the ways “you could be killed if you are black in America” in a video titled 23 Voices.

In the Mic produced clip, Beyoncé, Chris Rock, Taraji P. Henson, Chance The Rapper, and more each tell a reason that a black person has been killed in America with a photo of the victim following directly after.

Keys continues, “We demand radical transformation to heal the long history of systemic racism so that all Americans have the equal right to live and to pursue happiness.”

The black and white visuals create a chilling and moving experience. For more information on the We Are Here movement visit its website here.

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